Thursday 20 June 2013

Almost there......

So Corey informed me that its been a while since I blogged about our move.  So here it is :)

Ok so the movers come Monday - YIKES - did I really say Monday??  Nah its all good.  I am as prepared as I can be and still be living in the house.  Its a blessing and a curse having Corey home though - he is a huge distraction for me :)  A very welcome one though ;0

So everything seems to be falling into place.  Found a dog boarding place for our puppy for part of July who was super friendly and directed me to a hair salon and a nail tech - both of which are vital!!

So yes our belongings leave for BC on Monday, my kids go to Nana's on Thursday (Sierra's 13th birthday) and we leave for BC on Friday - so for those few days we are "camping" in our empty house - should be interesting - definitely my idea of camping lol

Now I must say that I love getting to spend this much time with Corey and part of me hopes his rig doesn't start up right away in July so we can spend some time exploring together - but as we all know if work calls then I guess we wait until his days off.  What I miss the most when he goes to work is his natural ability to make me laugh - everyday he makes me laugh and I think thats a rare find.  Does he drive me crazy?  Of course - but find me a woman that says her man doesn't drive her crazy and I will show you a liar.  Its what makes relationships work - cuz we drive them just as crazy.  Its not really their fault - we all know they are from Mars :)

Course now that the move seems to be moving smoothly its the other stuff that decides to go sideways - not one but both of our trucks need service work and not stuff we can put off - so I took Corey's in today and we should get it back tomorrow and then mine goes in and hopefully get mine back by Monday - I better have it Tuesday cuz it is definitely needed.

So I guess this being my blog and all I can pretty much say anything I want so here goes -

I am me - I am FANTASTIC lol just kidding - no wait - so not kidding I am freaking fantastic!!

My friends know me and they know that I am pretty much an open book - don't ask me a question you don't want an honest answer to.  I hate shallow people.  I hate liars.  I love people that put their kids and elders first in their lives they are the two most important generations.

But I must say that I do find that fake people really do annoy me - like Facebook - Lord do I love my Facebook - I get to peak at my friends lives that I don't have the time to call daily and see whats new.  I get to see photos that I might not otherwise have been able to see.

But I just love that there are people out there that have enough time to not have one Facebook but multiple ones - seriously???  How many hours in a day do you waste??  What are you afraid of?  That your potential employer might actually see what you are really like?  Or that the people you went to high school with might see you grossly unsuccessful?  I just don't get it.  You are who you are and you should be proud of yourself no matter where you are at in life.  Unless of course you are some criminal or government funding fraud kinda person then no please don't be proud of yourself for mooching off the rest of us contributing members of society.

What I am is a 35 year old, divorced mother of two.  I have worked through a few careers - I am not perfect - damn close lol but no not perfect.  But what I am is determined, intelligent, happy and motivated - so why not share that with my friends and family?  And the world for that matter.  So please check out my Facebook - don't forget the pictures ;) there is lots lol and please keep reading my blog.

I am returning to school to try and fulfill my dream - is it scary?  Hell yes.  I am moving from everyone I know and the places that are familiar - but what is life without taking chances?

I am also moving to Corey's home province.  Where the majority of his family lives.  And one of the things I have learned in life is that compromise is required.  If you are a selfish person all the time and only think of yourself and not your partner, family, or kids then you will be a miserable person and it will show clearly as a scar.  So yes I applied at BC law schools - but I also applied in Saskatchewan and Alberta.  BC just answered first.  And I have always loved Victoria - but who knows I could end up transferring because I hate the school - Oh Lord another provincial move lol - maybe the next one could be Saskatchewan so Corey can be closer to his kids and me to my family (and of course my Riders!!!)  Or maybe Calgary where it will feel more like the home I knew as a kid living in Southern Alberta.

What I do know is that I am moving in a week - I am more excited as the date comes closer than nervous or scared - and I can't wait to share the new experiences I have - I am sure I will have many and I am sure some will be fall of your chair funny knowing me and my luck lol

And who knows maybe I will actually touch the ocean finally :) I am thinking I am brave just for touching it - Corey thinks he's gonna get me to go in it - like swimming - the man is CRAZY lol

Well its late and I have kids to drive to school in the morning - so I will likely update you all once I am in BC - but keep checking on my Facebook (friends, family, high schoolmates and stockers lol) - there will be pictures for sure!

Love yah all!

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