Monday 8 July 2013

Island living

Ok so we made it - or I should say I made it lol

Day one of travels was uneventful - made it to Lethbridge without any issues even with the flooding down south.  Weird and crazy weather that is happening in Alberta right now though.

Day two we head out on highway 3 west coast bound.  It was a beautiful drive.  A VERY VERY long beautiful drive lol - I don't think I would recommend that drive to anyone unless you have great brakes and a lot of time.  Or a motorbike.

Day three we make it to the ferry and enjoyed nothing but beautiful weather and views from the ferry.  Landed in Naniamo.  Never been there before - and if we hadn't been so excited to get to our house we might have actually checked it out lol.  Now we had never seen the house we are renting so we were nervous and excited.  And I cannot say how happy we are with the place we are now living!  I've posted pictures on Facebook, but the pictures just don't do it justice!  The first thing you notice are the really tall trees!!  EVERYWHERE!!!!  And its sooooo quiet!  It takes some getting used to.  And I am slowly adjusting.

We went for supper at this amazing local restaurant and looked out over the lake.  Can't wait to take family and friends there.

Now our belongings were days away so we were camping out in our new house.

Day four we head into Victoria and we drove the scenic drive, stopping at the Oak Bay Marina and checked out the local seals.  Then we continued on to Fishermans Wharf for lunch.

And then lunch took a very crazy turn to me agreeing to go whale watching.  On a boat.  Not even a big boat lol.  And out in open water - a 2 hour boat ride on the Pacific Ocean.  For the first half of the trip I was terrified.  Was pretty sure I was going to not make it back.  But then I saw my very first whale.  And I was absolutely amazed!!  And all fear was gone.  Whale watching is definitely something I would recommend and is something I am going to do again!!

Day five and six we head into the local town areas/bays and just checked our surroundings out.  Great open markets and everyone is very friendly out here!  Its a big switch from Edmonton.  The little shops in these different bay communities amaze me!  The unique touches are very cool and you are never really sure what lies behind each door.

Our belongings had arrived by this time and we managed to get half unpacked and tour around lol

Day seven Corey had to return to work :( and what felt like a vacation for me ended.  Now I am here out on the island without Corey or my kids.  And even though my good friend Mojo is here, I still find myself lonely and the homesickness is kicking in.

I miss not having to use my GPS to find the place that I want to go.  I miss the flat land.  I miss the price of gas lol!!

But I am keeping busy.  Finishing unpacking, and making this house our home.  Got most of my pictures up, and find I need some more because of the space we have out here.

I cannot say that its not beautiful out here because well it is BEAUTIFUL!  But its not home.  Not yet.  But it will be.  And its this thought thats helping keep that homesickness down.  That and the fact that I know I have two Alberta trips coming up ;)

In a couple of days I am going to have some company for a few days and my kids are flying in on Saturday.  Can't wait to show them all around :)  The kids are gonna love it out here!  There is so much for them to do and explore!!  And the beautiful weather to make it a year long exploration!!

So here I sit and its 2 am here.  Sleep is never easy when I am all alone, and maybe even harder because its a new place.  I miss Alberta and so many other things.  But most of all tonight I miss my family.  I miss my kids and Corey.  Its not the same without my family here.  But soon we will be back together again for a few days at least and its not gonna come soon enough, nor is my visit to Alberta!

Cannot wait to go home for a visit!  Looking forward to trying and seeing as many friends as I can!  lol and no matter how long I live out here I will NOT become a tree hugger!

So to my friends in Medicine Hat, watch Facebook, it will be the easiest to see when I am down there as I am just playing it all by ear this trip :)

Gonna try and get some sleep now - sure is different without all the sirens :)

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