Monday 18 November 2013

missing home

Well I just got back from a 36 hour road trip to bring me back to the island.  Thinking that the trip back to Alberta wasn't such a good idea.

Lord do I miss home - yes even the 3 feet of snow :)

So I am turning 36 in exactly a week and I am not looking forward to it.  Its not that I am one year older - that doesn't bother me at all.  It's that this is going to be the first year I will have no family (other than my kids who won't know its my birthday unless I tell them) or friends around.  And surprisingly that bothers me.  A lot.  Even just going for lunch with coworkers or having coffee with my BF, or spending it in Fox Vegas with Corey is better than being out here.  And yes Corey is home the night after my birthday - but it's not the same.  This year I will be celebrating my birthday getting the kids off to school, writing papers/studying for exams, and cooking supper - not sure I will be able to handle the excitment.  And to be honest I don't really feel like celebrating it, at all.  Really its just a day, just like any other.

I realize it takes time to get used to a place and have it feel like home but seriously - how freaking long is this gonna take??????

So meeting people through soccer didn't work, church isn't working, school isn't working - I seriously need suggestions!!!!!!!!  I am going to lose my mind!!

It feels like I am in solitary confinement in the most beautiful prison I can find in Canada.  It really sucks to be a social person right about now and for the last several months.

So I am thinking that my next trip to Alberta should be months away - because the farther I drove into BC the worse I felt, and not because of the roads - crap they got better as I kept going.

Well this lonely girl is off to study for an exam I have tomorrow and get the kids off to bed.

Miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday 25 October 2013

still adjusting.......

So we have lived out here now for almost 4 months.  I have been out here since the end of August.  And it is still so very beautiful out here, but is so beyond lonely.

School is going - causing me stress - for sure - but its good.

Kids are still enjoying it out here - staying busy and keeping me busier.

So far Sierra has gotten stitches twice, cannot take dance this year as a result.  But she is in a really good youth group, band at school, and looking into other groups to join in school.

Jackson just finished a soccer skills group, plays soccer every Saturday and is taking guitar lessons.  In February he joins the Scouts group at our church.

So I am currently applying for some part time jobs, I need to find a way to pass the lonely hours and sitting at home or class all the time isn't doing it.

Hoping all is well with my friends and family - miss everyone so very much!!

Thursday 26 September 2013

First month almost done

So this is week four of classes - can definitely say I need to get back in the routine of being in school :) Classes are interesting and getting closer every day to my end goal :)

So yes been out here for a month - and yes it is beautiful - and yes I love the house and all of that - but I miss my friends and things familiar so much.  I sometimes wonder how long I am going to last out here before I am looking at transfer credits and back to those long Alberta winters.

Everyone tells me it takes time to adjust - and I am sure that it does - but how long?  How long does the emptiness last?  How long until I stop thinking about just wanting to be home?

Kids are doing well - loving their activities and school - so at least they have adjusted but kids are always so much more resilient than adults.

Anyways - not really anything interesting to blog about........

Off to guitar lessons and soccer practice.

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Busy in BC

So its been a while since I have blogged.  Since the last time I have been to Alberta and back at least 3 times.  I haven't actually spent a lot of time here - hence why it still feels like a vacation and not home I think.

And its not like its a fun vacation anymore - now its like one of the ones you had to endure as a kid when your parents dragged you to some obscure relative where they had nothing for you to do.  Thats what it feels like.

I check Facebook and I see what my friends and family are doing back in Alberta and wish I was there. Don't get me wrong - living here is like paradise - beautiful landscape.  But its lonely.  And yes if one more person tells me I am going to meet people soon in response I think I am going to lose my mind.  I am not a hermit of course I am going to meet people.  But in the meantime what do I do?  And what if they aren't my kind of people lol I miss my Trina and Angel.

Add to the fact that the only human interaction I really get every day is my kids - not great conversationalists - it feels very isolated out here.

So what does my days consist of?  Making meals for the kids, laundry, dishes, researching and signing the kids up for stuff, doctors and dentist appointments - and really I would just love a break!  not that what I am doing is hard - but it would just be nice to have a day where I don't have to do any of that.  Where I can spend the day with a friend walking around Victoria.  Two problems with that - that kind of day doesn't exist for me, and I don't have a someone out here to do it with.

On the other hand I am trying to figure out ways to meet people and not just through my kids.  I am going to try selling epicure out here.  Gotta meet people that way right?  And I get to make some money.

I've also applied for some part time jobs - lord I miss adult interaction.

On the upside of the summer we got to spend a week with all five kids.  It was a good visit.  Kids loved the beach and the drive through BC.  Stopped and seen wildlife, and Hell's gate.  And this way the kids can now plan for what they would like to do over Christmas when they are all here again.  Can't believe how fast the week went!  Too soon we were dropping the kids off and Corey was back to work.

So this very social girl is finding it very lonely out here - homesickness sucks!  And I am only hoping the "this will get better" will "hurry up and get here already!"

Well off to cook supper - oh the excitement!

Monday 8 July 2013

Island living

Ok so we made it - or I should say I made it lol

Day one of travels was uneventful - made it to Lethbridge without any issues even with the flooding down south.  Weird and crazy weather that is happening in Alberta right now though.

Day two we head out on highway 3 west coast bound.  It was a beautiful drive.  A VERY VERY long beautiful drive lol - I don't think I would recommend that drive to anyone unless you have great brakes and a lot of time.  Or a motorbike.

Day three we make it to the ferry and enjoyed nothing but beautiful weather and views from the ferry.  Landed in Naniamo.  Never been there before - and if we hadn't been so excited to get to our house we might have actually checked it out lol.  Now we had never seen the house we are renting so we were nervous and excited.  And I cannot say how happy we are with the place we are now living!  I've posted pictures on Facebook, but the pictures just don't do it justice!  The first thing you notice are the really tall trees!!  EVERYWHERE!!!!  And its sooooo quiet!  It takes some getting used to.  And I am slowly adjusting.

We went for supper at this amazing local restaurant and looked out over the lake.  Can't wait to take family and friends there.

Now our belongings were days away so we were camping out in our new house.

Day four we head into Victoria and we drove the scenic drive, stopping at the Oak Bay Marina and checked out the local seals.  Then we continued on to Fishermans Wharf for lunch.

And then lunch took a very crazy turn to me agreeing to go whale watching.  On a boat.  Not even a big boat lol.  And out in open water - a 2 hour boat ride on the Pacific Ocean.  For the first half of the trip I was terrified.  Was pretty sure I was going to not make it back.  But then I saw my very first whale.  And I was absolutely amazed!!  And all fear was gone.  Whale watching is definitely something I would recommend and is something I am going to do again!!

Day five and six we head into the local town areas/bays and just checked our surroundings out.  Great open markets and everyone is very friendly out here!  Its a big switch from Edmonton.  The little shops in these different bay communities amaze me!  The unique touches are very cool and you are never really sure what lies behind each door.

Our belongings had arrived by this time and we managed to get half unpacked and tour around lol

Day seven Corey had to return to work :( and what felt like a vacation for me ended.  Now I am here out on the island without Corey or my kids.  And even though my good friend Mojo is here, I still find myself lonely and the homesickness is kicking in.

I miss not having to use my GPS to find the place that I want to go.  I miss the flat land.  I miss the price of gas lol!!

But I am keeping busy.  Finishing unpacking, and making this house our home.  Got most of my pictures up, and find I need some more because of the space we have out here.

I cannot say that its not beautiful out here because well it is BEAUTIFUL!  But its not home.  Not yet.  But it will be.  And its this thought thats helping keep that homesickness down.  That and the fact that I know I have two Alberta trips coming up ;)

In a couple of days I am going to have some company for a few days and my kids are flying in on Saturday.  Can't wait to show them all around :)  The kids are gonna love it out here!  There is so much for them to do and explore!!  And the beautiful weather to make it a year long exploration!!

So here I sit and its 2 am here.  Sleep is never easy when I am all alone, and maybe even harder because its a new place.  I miss Alberta and so many other things.  But most of all tonight I miss my family.  I miss my kids and Corey.  Its not the same without my family here.  But soon we will be back together again for a few days at least and its not gonna come soon enough, nor is my visit to Alberta!

Cannot wait to go home for a visit!  Looking forward to trying and seeing as many friends as I can!  lol and no matter how long I live out here I will NOT become a tree hugger!

So to my friends in Medicine Hat, watch Facebook, it will be the easiest to see when I am down there as I am just playing it all by ear this trip :)

Gonna try and get some sleep now - sure is different without all the sirens :)

Thursday 20 June 2013

Almost there......

So Corey informed me that its been a while since I blogged about our move.  So here it is :)

Ok so the movers come Monday - YIKES - did I really say Monday??  Nah its all good.  I am as prepared as I can be and still be living in the house.  Its a blessing and a curse having Corey home though - he is a huge distraction for me :)  A very welcome one though ;0

So everything seems to be falling into place.  Found a dog boarding place for our puppy for part of July who was super friendly and directed me to a hair salon and a nail tech - both of which are vital!!

So yes our belongings leave for BC on Monday, my kids go to Nana's on Thursday (Sierra's 13th birthday) and we leave for BC on Friday - so for those few days we are "camping" in our empty house - should be interesting - definitely my idea of camping lol

Now I must say that I love getting to spend this much time with Corey and part of me hopes his rig doesn't start up right away in July so we can spend some time exploring together - but as we all know if work calls then I guess we wait until his days off.  What I miss the most when he goes to work is his natural ability to make me laugh - everyday he makes me laugh and I think thats a rare find.  Does he drive me crazy?  Of course - but find me a woman that says her man doesn't drive her crazy and I will show you a liar.  Its what makes relationships work - cuz we drive them just as crazy.  Its not really their fault - we all know they are from Mars :)

Course now that the move seems to be moving smoothly its the other stuff that decides to go sideways - not one but both of our trucks need service work and not stuff we can put off - so I took Corey's in today and we should get it back tomorrow and then mine goes in and hopefully get mine back by Monday - I better have it Tuesday cuz it is definitely needed.

So I guess this being my blog and all I can pretty much say anything I want so here goes -

I am me - I am FANTASTIC lol just kidding - no wait - so not kidding I am freaking fantastic!!

My friends know me and they know that I am pretty much an open book - don't ask me a question you don't want an honest answer to.  I hate shallow people.  I hate liars.  I love people that put their kids and elders first in their lives they are the two most important generations.

But I must say that I do find that fake people really do annoy me - like Facebook - Lord do I love my Facebook - I get to peak at my friends lives that I don't have the time to call daily and see whats new.  I get to see photos that I might not otherwise have been able to see.

But I just love that there are people out there that have enough time to not have one Facebook but multiple ones - seriously???  How many hours in a day do you waste??  What are you afraid of?  That your potential employer might actually see what you are really like?  Or that the people you went to high school with might see you grossly unsuccessful?  I just don't get it.  You are who you are and you should be proud of yourself no matter where you are at in life.  Unless of course you are some criminal or government funding fraud kinda person then no please don't be proud of yourself for mooching off the rest of us contributing members of society.

What I am is a 35 year old, divorced mother of two.  I have worked through a few careers - I am not perfect - damn close lol but no not perfect.  But what I am is determined, intelligent, happy and motivated - so why not share that with my friends and family?  And the world for that matter.  So please check out my Facebook - don't forget the pictures ;) there is lots lol and please keep reading my blog.

I am returning to school to try and fulfill my dream - is it scary?  Hell yes.  I am moving from everyone I know and the places that are familiar - but what is life without taking chances?

I am also moving to Corey's home province.  Where the majority of his family lives.  And one of the things I have learned in life is that compromise is required.  If you are a selfish person all the time and only think of yourself and not your partner, family, or kids then you will be a miserable person and it will show clearly as a scar.  So yes I applied at BC law schools - but I also applied in Saskatchewan and Alberta.  BC just answered first.  And I have always loved Victoria - but who knows I could end up transferring because I hate the school - Oh Lord another provincial move lol - maybe the next one could be Saskatchewan so Corey can be closer to his kids and me to my family (and of course my Riders!!!)  Or maybe Calgary where it will feel more like the home I knew as a kid living in Southern Alberta.

What I do know is that I am moving in a week - I am more excited as the date comes closer than nervous or scared - and I can't wait to share the new experiences I have - I am sure I will have many and I am sure some will be fall of your chair funny knowing me and my luck lol

And who knows maybe I will actually touch the ocean finally :) I am thinking I am brave just for touching it - Corey thinks he's gonna get me to go in it - like swimming - the man is CRAZY lol

Well its late and I have kids to drive to school in the morning - so I will likely update you all once I am in BC - but keep checking on my Facebook (friends, family, high schoolmates and stockers lol) - there will be pictures for sure!

Love yah all!

Wednesday 5 June 2013

3 weeks to go

So the moving company comes on the 26th - and I almost wish they would come sooner so I wouldn't have to live among these boxes anymore!  Drop off date is July 4th and Telus is coming that day as well - Thank God for a great friend who is willing to supervise for me and Corey while we sneak away!

Am I nervous?  Corey asked me that yesterday and I said no.  But I kind of am.  Nervous about starting a new adventure is natural I think.  If I weren't nervous at all then I would seriously think something is wrong with me.  Also nervous that being away from my extended family and friends will be hard.  And missing Corey when he is at work won't be easy.  But I am friendly, honest, kind and somewhat outgoing - lol have to be or I never would have met Corey.  So I might not make dozens of friends but I have no doubt that I will make friends and that will help me feel settled.

But we already have company coming to visit us in July.  And we already have our first date planned :) going to Seattle for Independence Day!  Can't wait!!  Never been to a July 4th celebration and as it is only a ferry ride away from our new home I told Corey we were going there :)  Actually what I told him was I was going and he can join me lol either way this Canadian girl is going down the the US to see what they celebrate like on July 4th :)

So really this move so far just seems like an extended vacation for me.  It hasn't really sunk in that this will be where I call home.  Maybe once I am out there and my stuff is all unpacked and put away and the surroundings become more familiar it won't seem like a holiday.  But then maybe it always will because we are moving to probably one of the most beautiful places in Canada.

And I am so lucky that my children are excited about moving out there and trying new things and because I am moving with a man that is sweet, considerate, funny and made perfectly for me, can't believe how truly happy the last 21 months have been for me.  Maybe the reason I didn't move out there right out of high school was because I would have missed meeting him.  There are a lot of maybe's in this world - this I have no doubt - but sometimes those maybe's are where you find your true happiness is hidden.  Maybe just maybe I got it right in this life.

Still busy around here - now our house is surrounded by road construction and the city is finally working on the water main break that was 100 feet from our house.  Talk about stress - but the moving company said not to worry - even if the road was blocked off on the one end, they would just back their truck in.

Almost all baseball tournaments are finished for the kids - just city finals to go.  Soccer tournament and Sierra's birthday party this weekend.  Then their year end dance recital the following weekend.  The month of June always goes so fast now.  In 2000 I can tell you that it crawled by waiting for my little girl to arrive, who decided to take her sweet time and come 11 days late.  Can't believe she is going to be 13 this month!

Funny how I never really liked Edmonton, but managed to stay here 6 years this time before moving and this time I cannot wait to get out of here!  Maybe I am just noticing it more now that I have a beautiful destination to go to, but this city is dirty.  It is run down, the roads suck, the people are rude, the city does nothing with the homeless that consistently roam through peoples yards or set up living quarters in the residential alleys, the crime rate seems to be on the rise.  It is getting so bad here that I no longer see anything of beauty here - except the skyline -but maybe thats just because to see it you have to put some distance between you and it.

I am definitely going to miss my friends here, and I think the thing I am going to miss the most is being only a 3 hour drive away from Corey.  Definitely made it nice when I could drive up and surprise him.  Course I still can, just gonna take me 4.5 hours and the cost of a flight and rental car lol one never knows - I am crazy enough to do it whenever possible ;)

And soon enough my dream will be completed and I will have the ones I love standing beside me the whole way there.  So the journey isn't all in Alberta - doesn't mean I won't ever return, just means for a short period in my life I am going to live on the island and learn to be more relaxed and spend more time outdoors with my family. And maybe just maybe this Alberta girl will want to stay out there forever.

Maybe BC isn't so bad - I definitely can think of worse places to offence to anyone.....but anywhere east  or north of Alberta would definitely be worse!!!

Off to get the kids to school, then supper and baseball!